Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Various Symptoms of Vibration White Finger

Vibration white finger is such a disease which is caused due to over usage of heavy vibrating machinery tools for a long time. Numerous symptoms are there that will indicate whether you are suffering from vibration white finger or not.

These symptoms can be mild at times or severe and generally lasts for 15 minutes to an hour at times. There are many cases where the symptoms last for lifetime. Here are some of the symptoms of vibration white finger
  • The affected fingers easily turn white in cold and wet weather.
  • Not enough strength in fingers to hold things and the range of movement is limited too.
  • Excessive pains accompanied with numbness can rise anytime.
  • If the condition gets worse, the fingers will start getting blue and one will face the above problems even in milder temperature.
symptoms of vibration white finger
One must keep in mind that the symptoms of this disease appear after months and in some cases, years after using the vibration tools. If the victim of vibration white finger wishes to claim any compensation, then he/she has to do it within 3 years of getting affected.

Various effects of this disease –

First of all, the fact that everyone must know about this disease is that it’s not life threatening though they are capable of adversely affecting the personal or social life of an individual. Several problems with the fingers create obstructions at the workplace, at home or even at hobbies like golf or fishing.

Here are some other problems that might arise due to vibration white finger –
  • Severe pain in various adjacent parts and lack of sleep
  • Being unable to do daily life tasks such as holding a glass or buttoning a shirt
  • Extremely painful fingers will stop you from working in cold or damp weather conditions
  • Grip strength reduces by great extent
Regular exercise and adequate warmth are two most important things to get rid of this disease. The symptoms will automatically reduce if you are ready to give up smoking and reduce caffeine intake.

In case the symptoms of vibrating white finger are getting extreme, you can always ask for compensation. But, in order to get a handsome one, avail the best legal advice.

Facts about Vibration White Finger and Claims

Vibration white finger, popularly known as dead finger is caused due to extensive use of hand held machineries that are vibrating in nature. At the earliest stage of the 20th century, white fingers were linked to heavy machinery tools until in the year 1985, this was considered as a disease. So, naturally, one can ask for vibration white finger claims for the problems caused.

This disease, though permanent, is not life threatening at any extent. The general symptoms of dead finger are severe aches, pains along with great amount of tingling and numbness. Along with the above symptoms, the hand will gradually turn pale and then white.

People who work in the following sectors are more likely to get affected by the white finger disease –
  • Concrete breakers along with chipping
  • Hammers or jigger picks
  • Sanders or angle grinders
  • Hammer drills along with jigsaws
vibration white finger claimsIf you are a recent victim of vibration white finger or have been suffering from it for the past 3 years or more, you are eligible for compensation against this disease. But, as we all know ‘Prevention is better than cure’. With sufficient and proper training while using vibration tools, the chances of getting affected are minimized. Moreover, make sure that you are provided with ample safety equipments like anti-vibration gloves.

You should take regular brakes from using the vibration tools. But, in case you are affected by the dead finger disease, you can always avail legal advice that will help you earn a handsome amount of compensation. These claims can change your life to a better part. In the year 1997, a record compensation pay out took place due to white fingers. About seven miners were awarded with a whopping amount of £ 127, 000. This was the turning point in the history of claims for vibration white fingers.

So, if you are suffering from white finger and are looking for compensation, try to opt for legal advice with as much evidence possible for fast execution. A good attorney can earn for you the right amount of vibration white finger claims that would never have been possible by yourself.

10 Things You Must Know About Vibration White Finger

Vibration white fingers are very common today. It is a disease that is mainly caused in the industrial
areas and if not treated properly, can last for life time.

So, here’re 10 things that are vital about vibration white finger compensation claims

1. This disease is popularly known as Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome and due to this disease, at least one finger goes white.
2. Usage of vibrating tools over a long period of time is the main cause behind this disease.
vibration white finger compensation claims3. As machinery usage is the main reason behind this disease, people from a lot of industries are prone to this disease.
4. The whitening of fingers takes place due to inadequate blood supply in the fingers over a long period of time.
5. Numbness affects the fingers even after you have stopped working with the machine and often, the fingers tingle. If continued in the same way, frequent pain attacks take place, leading the fingers to go into spasm.
6. There are many such cases where permanent damage occurs to the fingers due to the carelessness of the patient. This might lead to problematic fingers or a hard to use hand.
7. Ulcers, along with gangrene can also take place if a patient doesn’t takes proper care of his/her ailing fingers.
8. A person suffering from vibration white finger often finds it hard to accuse the person who is actually responsible for the incident. It is the duty of the owner of a workplace to ensure proper workplace safety for the workers, failing which the owner has to pay the compensation costs.
9. You can claim compensation if you are suffering from white fingers but, keep in mind that you have to do so within 3 years of getting affected.
10. Legal advice is the thing that you wouldn’t want to miss.

With proper legal advice, you can earn just the right amount of compensation for the vibration white fingers which would never have been possible without legal help unless you are a lawyer yourself.

So, if you are a victim of the above disease, you can always opt for vibration white finger compensation claims as you never know how your life can change.